Monday, November 26, 2012

Trick of the day: AutoSum

If you want to add together a range of data, you can use the SUM function. But instead of typing the formula, you can use this shortcut to make your life a little easier:

Alt + Equal sign (=)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Trick of the day: Format Painter

If you want to copy the format, but not the values, from another cell, use the Format Painter. Select the cell that has the format you want to copy and click here:

Then, click on the cell that you want to format. If you want to copy a format into multiple cells, double-click on the Format Painter icon. Press escape to deactivate it when you're done.

More on this:

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Trick of the day: Lock cells

When you copy a formula, you sometimes need to lock some of the cell references with dollar signs (absolute reference): A1 => $A$1 or $A1 or A$1
Use this shortcut to make your life easier:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Trick of the day: Open Format Cells Window

If you want to format a cell or a cell value in Excel, you can open the Format Cells Window. To save some time, use the shortcut to open the window:

Ctrl + 1

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trick of the day: Navigate with Ctrl + Arrows

If you have a large Excel worksheet, it takes too long to use the mouse to navigate within it. Try this instead: Hold down the Ctrl key and use the arrow keys to go to the last populated cell in the range. 

Ctrl + Arrow Keys

Monday, November 19, 2012

Trick of the day: Copy Cell Above

Go to my new blog for more Excel Tricks:

In Excel you often want to copy the cell right above the active cell. Instead of the usual Copy-Paste routine, there is a keyboard shortcut in Excel which will make your life easier:

Ctrl + D

Friday, November 16, 2012

Trick of the day: Switch between tabs

If you work with Excel all the time, you are probably pretty tired of switching between the tabs using the mouse. To make your life easier, learn this Excel keyboard shortcut:

Ctrl + PageUp
Ctrl + PageDown

Learn more Excel tricks here:

Work faster in Excel!

There are a lot of simple techniques you can learn to work a lot faster in Excel. Follow this blog, and I will show you one trick every weekday!